The Grow Cycling Toolkit


For large-scale cycling growth to occur, local governments need to understand the value of investing in, and have the technical expertise to design, implement, and maintain, cycling projects.

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How would you describe the level of capacity (government resources/knowledge, funding, etc.) to implement and enforce actions to grow cycling?
High capacity
Low capacity
Strong technical expertise exists for projects that increase and improve cycling; city budgets are publicly available and funding is designated for specific cycling projects.There is some technical expertise for projects to increase and improve cycling; city budgets may or may not be publicly available, and funding may be designated for broad cycling improvements.Government officials have minimal technical expertise or motivation to make cycling a viable alternative to vehicular travel, and some may be openly hostile towards the idea; opaque, limited, if any, funding for cycling projects, with much of the city’s transportation budget dedicated to automobile travel.

Head's up

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